18 April 2014 ago, I lost my Samsung Galaxy Camera EK GC100 at the airport Ngurah Rai Bali. It's terrible, feels like to lose a close friend. As I'm sure you can imagine, this was a huge lose for me. Buddy, as usual it was called, always accompany wherever I go, always alert when I need, especially when I want to capture exciting moments near me. It is my real bestfriend and now it's gone.

Here's the story. When I go to the toilet, I was careless and left my Samsung Galaxy Camera in the back. After 1 minute, I realized I left my camera in the toilet, so I ran to grab it back. Unfortunately the camera is not there, someone took it. Every person in the toilet saying that they don’t see the camera left in the toilet. Even a woman that holding her child which occupies the same toilet with me before, she didn’t notice the camera is left behind in the toilet.

In the SD card includes pictures of mostly the natural beauty of Bali and Gili Trawangan. After I lost my camera, I don’t think to replace it, because it hasn’t to be replaceable. I didn't know how to get in take a picture without you, Buddy. Is there any way I can find the thief and get my camera back?  If anyone has any details about my Samsung Galaxy Camera EK GC100, please send me a message. I promise will give you rewards. aryani.marisa@gmail.com or twitter @marisaaryani, I hope we can meet again Buddy :)
